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Direct Art Action Gallery

original artworks

exhibition by

abstract artist

Jonathan Oakes

Come and view a broad selection of artworks in a fantastic art space. The old BHS store in Sutton Coldfield has been turned into a contemporary gallery.

Direct Art Action UK gallery

210a Parade

(the old BHS store)

Gracechurch Shopping Centre,

Sutton Coldfield,

Birmingham. B72 1PA

what 3 words = demand.famous.animal

open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays

The images below are just a taster of the original artworks that can be discovered and purchased

Ceasing the Bother from Noisy Pistons

acrylic, conte crayon and marker pen on paper

No longer being bothered by the traffic, the mind is somewhere else. Finding a quiet place for you. Escaping from the noise pollution of modern times. Can we ever not hear the low buzzing that we pretend not to hear? No peace and no quiet. Impossible to imagine what the world sounded like just a few centuries ago.

Stereo Sound

acrylic & charcoal on paper

Your ears help you balance and instruct your brain of your surroundings real or imaginary. Sounds reach each ear at different times this helps you understand your environment. When sleeping you close your eyes but you brain dreams and forms images, the dreams often contain sounds and conversations. Unheard sound, maybe echoes of previous audio encounters. Ears cannot be closed when sleeping, introduced sound can influence dreams

Long Shadow

Emulsion, spray paint & conte crayon on photo paper

A shadow is cast upon a wall. A die is cast for a result. A line is cast in pursuit of a fish. A sculpture maybe cast in bronze. Lucifer was cast out of heaven. Monkey was also cast out of heaven for eating the peaches of immortality. Humankind has cast a long shadow upon the Earth.

Direct Art Action UK is an amazing organisation that help local groups and communities with art based projects. The DAA team also have any number of pop-up venues across the unused shops in the West Midlands. Recently exhibiting artwork by to art students from local schools.

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On the journey the traveller journeys throughout the land, trying to discover a place to make a home. On arriving at the coast the traveller is transfixed with wonder at the vastness of the water, but is also saddened that they can go no further in that direction. Independent and alone. The “story” series of paintings are all created with acrylic painted over photographic paper and enhanced with natural shaded conte crayon.

Exhibiting at the

The English Riviera Winter Open.

The Artizan Collective

Fleet Walk


Devon TQ25EB


open until 24th December 2022 / 11- 4 daily bar Mondays

The Story Part 3: Toward the Sea

other artworks exhibiting include:

The story part 6: A view of Home

The story part 9: Landscape

Chapter 9: Rest

Coast Post


The Heavy Goose

original artworks by Jonathan Oakes

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Writer's picture: Jonathan OakesJonathan Oakes

A great opportunity has arisen! Some of my artwork has been selected for the brand new and very exciting Art Post project. The project has great significance and potential. Stemming from my roots town of Sheffield, England the Art Post project has a wonderful possibilities to engage with a wide ranging audience, using a desktop arts displaying campaign. I am delighted to be involved, even if it is only in the slightest way in these early stages.

"The Art Post presents 'Art Post Originals,' our first ever small works group show brings accessibly priced original artworks from some of our favourite artists, along with some fantastic new discoveries from across the UK art community. With a maximum price of £300, and size of 40x40cm, this is the perfect opportunity to start your own art collection. We expect the collection to sell out fast." Launches 1st of November

Simply Too Much Packaging

mixed media on paper/ photo collage

Project 53 gallery @

"The 3 Rs need adhering to. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. It is easy to say “I do my bit. I recycle!” Recycling is the very least that one can do in the sustainable effort to save the future. The transport cost is also a factor in the Reduce element. Example: four different vehicles, delivering four different parcels ordered for next day delivery, on the same day, on the same website all to be delivered to the same address. Is everything that urgent? Perhaps the items need to be delivered before the whole system collapses in on itself for being self-deprecating. The discarded packaging may get thrown into the newly purchased plastic box with the recycling symbol printed on its side.

Recycling is the least that one can do. Reduce the want and ask yourself some questions.

Exciting times ahead many, many more artworks to show The Art Post will also be opening an online shop. Affordable art escaping from traditional gallery settings.

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